Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Days 7, 8, and 9

Nowhere did I ever promise to post every single day.  My unwritten intention has been to do just that, but I release myself from all feelings of guilt over not posting since Saturday.  Life is busy.

Sunday, Day 7, was uneventful as far as juicing was concerned.  My Saturday was so full that I didn't get 2 of my juices consumed; they stayed well in the fridge and were delightful on Sunday (especially the one with avocado in it).  Sunday morning didn't offer me a chance to juice, so I just was sure to drink a lot of water throughout my time at church.  Despite the apparent lack of nutrition for the first half of my day, I was full of energy and felt great.  After church and a few adventures afterward, I spend the evening with my mother; it was Mother's Day, what else would I do?  She tasted the cucumber, lemon, avocado concoction from Saturday and gave her stamp of approval.  Mom and I watched a movie together and while doing so, she got the munchies and indulged on some veggie crisp things (air puffed vegetable-matter with salt?).  I threw caution to the wind and shared a few (mostly crumbs).  I know I shouldn't have, but there's nothing I can do about it now.  No use beating myself up for it.

Monday, Day 8, was nice and simple.  I made fresh apple juice and fresh grape juice (from black grapes).  I never like grape juice growing up, I always found it absolutely repulsive.  Freshly juiced grapes though... FANTASTIC.  It just might go down as my favorite single-ingredient juice yet (yes, it just beat out orange juice).  Speaking of orange juice, my coworker gave me a few more of the oranges from Florida that her roommate's friend brought up.  Three were still good, one was bad and I threw it out.  The three good ones got juiced this morning along with two navel oranges.  I brought a jar of fresh orange juice to work and shared it with my team.  Mmmmm, yummy!

Apple juice on the bottom left, grape juice on the top right.

Day 8 also came with a weigh-in since it was Monday.  The total lost since last Monday, day 1, was 14.4 pounds.  Not too shabby!

Tuesday, Day 9, the late night of which I am typing this up on, was OK.  Since I laced some juices last week with carrot juice (I'm allergic to carrots) and everything went well, I decided to run a test today.  I juiced the last of my carrots into 2 cups of only carrot juice and drank them at work.  My theory is that I might only be allergic to the fibers in the carrots themselves.  If this is the case, there is a chance I can get a lot of my nutrition back through juicing other vegetables I'm allergic to as well (crossing fingers!).  I felt great after the first cup of carrot juice today.  A few hours later I had cup number two, and about an hour after that is when my throat started feeling funny.  It is almost 1am and my throat is still feeling a bit off.  It didn't swell shut, but it is irritate on the left side.  Perhaps I just am trying to catch a cold; who knows.  Mostly my allergies flare up in the digestive department.  A few months ago I experimented with chicken which made my throat swell instead of the usual violent gut reaction (chicken hits hard), so I'm a little scared reactions to other allergens may "morph" when I least expect them to.  I plan on lacing spinach into the juicing starting next week to see how it goes.

Mmmm, carrot juice at work!  All gone!

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