Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 1

Well, I made it through day 1 of the juice cleanse.  I weighed myself this morning at work (good and accurate scale in our nurse's office), but I'm not telling you what it said!  However, I will be tracking the numbers and reporting any changes. Deal? Deal.

Juicing this morning took significant time out of my day, though I managed to get to work an hour earlier than usual (don't ask me how, I haven't a clue).

All ready to go!!!
For breakfast I enjoyed juice from 1 Gala apple, 1 kiwi fruit (peeled), and cup of green grapes.  It was DELICIOUS! Really, I took one sip and found myself surprised at how wonderful it was.  For the record, when eating kiwi fruit, I normally eat the skin.  Juicing resources recommended peeling kiwi fruit first though; something to do with the inability to get the skin super clean first.

Washed, cut, and ready to be pulverized! 

How fun is that?!?!?  Juice on the left, pulp on the right!

Yup, there's something special about fresh juice.  Wow, it was so good!

In preparation for work I made extra juice, poured it into jars, and put the jars in my insulated lunch bag with freezer packs to keep it cold.  The first jar for work had the juice from about 1/3 of a butternut squash (tough to prep, but soooo worth it), 2 Granny Smith apples, and 1 medium carrot.  I know, you're thinking, "Squash? You can juice SQUASH??"  Yes, yes you can.  And for the record, it is quite tasty.  I confess, it was better than I guessed it would be.  I added a smidge of citric acid to the jar of juice before putting it in my lunch bag to hopefully help the apple juice not oxidize too much.  Notes to self: 1) I don't think that was really necessary and 2) it wasn't too bad, but the juice didn't need the extra sour burst.  I can't wait to try this without the citric acid; I think it will be PERFECT!

Surprisingly VERY tasty combination!

OK, I'm gonna have to find something creative to do with the pulp before I start feeling guilty...

The second jar of juice I prepared for work was nice and simple: 1 grapefruit and 2 cups of green grapes.  I kept busy at work and only drank the first jar of juice so... I'm drinking jar #2 RIGHT NOW AS I'M TYPING THIS BLOG POST.  Per recommendations I have come across, I am taking in 16 oz of water before drinking the juice (it was that, or dilute the juice - gross!). This morning I inadvertently drank 32 oz of water first; not smart.  I have to hand it to resources out there, I am definitely full after drinking everything.  And yes, the forewarning that you have to pee more frequently is totally accurate.  I'm sure you loved that TMI moment. 
Grapefruit and grapes!!!!  

The juice looks kinda like Neapolitan ice cream, and the pulp.... is.... pulpy. 

OK, so the juice I'm drinking right now (see photo below for proof) is really sour.  Not in a bad way though; in an I-just-ate-a-fantastic-not-too-sweet-grapefruit kind of way. I think in the future, this would be great for breakfast; citrus is nice in the mornings. 

Blog on the left, juice in the middle, and water on the right! 
Ideally I should have probably consumed the jar above at work, or at least earlier this evening, and made some fresh juice later to close out my day.  I kept busy today though, and didn't get to it.  It is approaching 10pm and since I have this juice to drink, that's gonna be it for the day.  I have homework to finish and some sleep to get.  This all starts over again tomorrow morning.... 

BONUS: I'm allergic to carrots, but I have to report (as of right now), I have had no violent reactions to the carrot juice in my second drink today.  No guarantees, my reactions range from 30 minutes to 72 hours... but I'm holding out hope.

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