Sunday, May 6, 2012

A 21-Day Project

My busy self is going to start a new project.  As of tomorrow morning, I'll be doing a juice-cleanse.  I've read about doing juice cleanses for a few years, but I never had a juicer.  It just occurred to me the other day that I've had a juicer in my kitchen for the past year; why didn't I think of this earlier?

With my food allergies, even when I'm eating carefully, I sometimes still have reactions.  Lately this has been happening more frequently, and I'm growing weary of being sick all the time.  On top of that, when I do catch a cold or the flu, I have a difficult time fighting it.  What takes others a week or two to get over, takes me months. My skin isn't faring well with the food restrictions, my eczema is getting worse, and I have become well acquainted with boils (yes, boils).  Top it off with the fact that I'm randomly losing pigmentation in a growing number of strands of my beautiful red hair (some are even two-toned with silver on the bottom and red at the top) and you will begin to feel my frustrations.

I am done.

I've stocked my kitchen with tons of fruit, a few vegetables, and my old Champion Juicer is getting excited for tomorrow morning.  If doing juice cleanses has been known to help people with cancer and a bundle of other ailments then by golly, maybe I have a chance at some relief.

I purchased some carrots for this week, which I'm allergic to, in hopes that perhaps just the pure juice won't react with my system.  If it does, I won't get them again.  If it doesn't, then I may have discovered a way to get more essential vitamins found in vegetables (currently the only veggies I can eat are onions and squash).  I accidentally got bananas and avocados too, which are not juice-able.  I suppose they will be good to have on hand in case I feel like dying and absolutely need something solid to eat... or could be mixed into some juice with a blender... or I'll give them to my roommate.

Here's to a new project!

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