Sunday, December 11, 2011

Well hello, it has been a while....

It has been over a year since my last post.  A lot has happened since then, and a lot has changed (including the name of this blog; I'm overhauling).

So, if you read all the past posts, and you're wondering, "OK, what the heck is wrong with this gal?", I'm here to catch you up to speed.

In March 2011 I finally found out why I was sick for so long.  Two words: Food Allergies

Over the year previous, I was tested and poked and prodded for everything from Crohns to Cancer, Celiacs to Leaky Gut, etc.  They did discover that my gallbladder simply didn't work (OK, it did, but only at a rate 15%) so that got removed.  I'm now 2 organs short of a whole person (my appendix ruptured when I was 8 so that's been missing for a while).  I suppose I'm grateful for that discovery, though unfortunately it was not the source of my issues.

The food allergies were discovered in March when I "fired" my gastroenterology doctor and checked out a highly recommended wellness center that leans toward Eastern medicine, yet embraces Western medicine when it is necessary.  The first thing they decided to investigate was possible food allergies.  This is a topic of conversation my gastroenterology doctor wouldn't embark on at all; he didn't believe any type of test was accurate.

Well, a few thousand (ugh) dollars later, I got my results... and they were overwhelming. I had enough allergens in similar families that I was told to avoid all the foods in particular families during the "elimination" portion of dealing with food allergies.  However, over time when most are supposed to be slowly reintroducing allergens in small amounts and being able to tolerate things in moderation... I simply can't.  I try... and I keep getting sick... extremely sick.

So, you want to know what I can eat?  Here's a listing in no particular order of "NOs" and "CANs" (the order is based upon how it comes out of my head when I'm doing a quick recall):

NO vegetables (except onions, go figure)
I CAN eat all fruit (except tomatoes, dang it)
I CAN eat beef.
NO birds (chicken, turkey, etc.)
NO pork
NO bison (bummer)
NO cod, tillapia (sp?), polluck, or haddock
I CAN eat salmon (but my roommate's allergic to it so it doesn't come in the house)
I CAN eat tuna (fresh and raw only - the canned stuff has vegetable broth in it which gets me sick and trust me, don't cook tuna 'cause it's gross)
I CAN eat most other fish to my knowledge, but it's not always affordable
NO soy
NO dairy
NO nuts
NO canola, safflower, or sunflower ANYTHING
NO beans (major loss)
I CAN consume goat milk, cheese, etc.
NO yeast (brewers or bakers... so that eliminates TONS of stuff with yeast including MSG, vinegar and anything with vinegar in it, like my favorite dill pickles)
NO peppers
I CAN eat most grains (some don't like me all the time, but it's hard to figure out which and when)
I CAN eat garlic
I CAN eat potatoes (sweet potatoes are still in question)
NO whole corn (though some corn products, like Grits, settle OK)
NO eggs

I THINK I covered most everything.  It surely leaves a lot to be desired.  I'm just starting to be OK with all the restrictions.  I am emotionally bothered less and less as time passes (except when I smell tomato soup... major emotional trigger).

The most detrimental thing about this whole situation is that I have a terribly hard time managing my weight.  Sources say not to eat meat and fruit in the same meal because it increases the chances of developing extra allergies to the fruit since it sits too long in the digestive system waiting for the meat to digest.  However, I have borderline hypoglycemia and the not eating protein with fruit makes me feel like crap.  Inside my body, when I consume simple carbohydrates like fruit, my pancreas is overproducing insulin to compensate (plus some) and that contributes to one hanging onto extra pounds.

Fruit and whole grains are very healthy, but I am learning that they don't do so well as the main staples in a diet.  I can only eat so much animal protein before I go crazy (I have never been a major meat eater, especially beef, plus it is tough on the pocket-book).  Additionally, not being able to eat vegetables is a real hitch in the get-up.  It's a major lose-lose situation right now, and I'm frustrated... and tired.  Nutritionally speaking, I know I'm not getting what I need despite supplements from my homeopathic doctor.  Unfortunately, they often make me throw up, so that just adds to the fun.

So, to conclude, I really need to figure out a plan.  I'm 27 years old, and I cannot continue living trapped in this body the way it is.  I'm tired, I'm often weak, and I want a future full of energy and health.  Maybe one of these days I'll find a great guy to settle down with, have a family, and just... continue moving forward with life.

I am going to start looking around for support locally.  I know a woman who is a counselor for Weight Watchers here and she said they may be able to help me work around my food allergies.  That will be the first place I investigate for support options.  Wish me luck, I will report when I find out more.

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