Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Willpower of a Goldfish

As you can see on the left hand side, I'm down 5 lbs this week; back on track!  My digestive system is still behaving and I've had no flare-ups recently.  I've been either pointedly exercising or making sure I'm active in some way each day and have been making sure my water intake is more than adequate.  Yes I'm giving you the bum's rush on the update details but don't worry, like a good opera, it's not over till I sing.

I've been on this new adventure for 4 weeks now and have not had the support of my family because *gasp* I have not included them in it.  This is very typical of my adventures; I make decisions and/or changes in my life, try them out for a short while, then inform the family later seeking their well-wishes.  It's how I operate, how I will always operate, you can't change me, so there.

Lucky me, my family is small (I'm an only child) and I only have to break this to 2 people.  The extended family can cope with finding out later, I don't really care.

Last week I wrote:
b) Week 1 and 2 weren't difficult but week 3 was a doozy; I know it will get easier from here and I really have to include my family in this adventure soon.  How about I commit to telling them after weigh-in number 4?
Weigh-in number 4 has come so here goes...

Dear Mom and Dad,

You know that list the gastroenterologist gave me that pretty much advised me to only eat air? (Ok, I was down to rice and lean meat; same difference.)  Well, I was feeling really lousy, had no energy and then got a genius idea.  Start from the first post and this blog explains everything.  I had my 4 weeks of being independently adventurous but given that we live in the same city again, I come visit often, and I have the willpower of a goldfish... I need some backup.

This shouldn't surprise you.  Again, we all know I make decisions, sit on them, then go public.  It's how I roll.  If you want a genetic fairy to blame it on, Dad's side of the gene pool can take the hit; this very topic came up at his aunt and uncle's anniversary barbeque (I'm not the only one who does this).

Love you much,

Alright people, I did it.  Sending a link to the blog to my mother and she'll pass it on to dad.

La la la la laaaaa!!!

That means this post is over... What? You thought I'd really sing at the end?  -Pffftttt!-  Never. The comment at the beginning about singing after an opera, if you haven't figured it out, is how many people cope with any sort of difference in this society: HUMOR.  Laughter staves off the tears.

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